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Thinking About Listing Your Home? It’s Almost Time To Make Your Move

There's a decent amount of debate in the real estate community about what, exactly, is the best time to sell—but according to recent research from Zillow, if you're thinking about listing your home, the time to make a move is right around the corner.

In the article, Zillow claims the best time of year to list your home for sale is in late spring, specifically in the first two weeks of May. According to their research, people who list their home for sale during this window sell their homes two weeks faster and for an average of $2.4K more than any other time of year. This stands to show some serious increases thanks to the current housing shortage.

Because there are so few homes on the market, chances are many buyers won't be able to find property at the start of the spring selling season—which, as it gets later into spring, can push them to make higher offers in order to land a home before summer hits.

The Takeaway

If you want to make the most money on your home sale, the time to make your move and list your property is right around the corner. So mark your calendar!